Friday, July 6, 2012

8 days to go

With only 8 days to go the team is starting to get a little nervous about next weekend's stroll! We met up in the pub earlier in the week to discuss plans for the big event and it's all starting to feel very real now. The last six months have gone by in a blur but I'm confident that our training will pay off and that team work will see us through the tough periods. I'm sure that preparations for our trip will keep us all busy for the next week so I want to say a huge thanks now to everyone who has donated to us and to anyone who has supported us in any way. Thanks to our support crew leader Dave for driving us around, bringing us hot food in the rain and waterproofing our gear, and thanks in advance to him and Andy for agreeing to feed, water and console us in the long hours to come next weekend. And finally a special thanks to my team mates Mum, Linz and James for helping make the long hours of training, many of them arduous and soggy, such fun. Good luck guys!

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